How Workforce Trends Will Change in 2020

The workforce over the last 15 years has changed, and in the previous 3, there has been an explosion of companies providing better ways to work. And it isn’t just about the improved treatment of staff or more money. Workers are looking for happiness, growth, support, and equality. That’s why all employers should be planning for the changes in workforce trends in 2020.

As employee expectations evolve, your hiring strategies should too. So what will 2020 bring us when it comes to new workforce trends? How can hiring managers adapt to the new expectations of job candidates? Let’s take a look:

Shorter Workweeks 

There has been a significant movement in the 4-day workweek, with many companies reporting success. The shorter work week with longer hours each day for staff seem to be improving productivity overall. 

Remote Options

Tied into the trend of shorter work weeks is the increasing ability and desire to work remotely. More people can easily work from home, and not just when provided with company laptops or mobile phones. When more companies use cloud software and platforms like Slack for communication, it opens up several possibilities for on-the-go productivity. As companies look to hire the most qualified people in 2020, considering remote options is a great way to make your offer more attractive than your competitors’.

Not only that, but working 4 days in the office and one remotely, or even 3 in office and 2 remotely, will cut out a lot of the costs related to staff accommodations. The ability to work remotely is something that pulls a lot of people out of the workplace and into freelancing, so businesses who provide a more flexible work week could turn people back to the office instead. 


There are almost no modern companies that can truly flourish without using technology as a driving force. Even the most basic business processes are being streamlined, improved, refined, and in many cases automated through advancing technology. And when the right technology is implemented, it also makes for more data-driven decisions. Cloud technologies are among those that will be breaking new ground, cutting costs, improving workflow, and opening up global possibilities. 


More diverse staff might be one of the most significant changes we will see in the year to come. From gender initiative programs to closing the wage gap, to ensuring that diversity isn’t a buzz word or a platitude—it is the bread and butter of the most dynamic and productive workforce. You will likely see companies’ diversity policies come under scrutiny if they aren’t compatible with the growing movement to diversify their staff.


There are several offices that are built on what might be described as a toxic culture where employees have little say and coworkers struggle to work in teams. Companies that are being launched in the years to come and the big names in any industry, therefore, are making changes to build a more positive and supportive work culture.

Fostering a workforce that can build employees to meet their goals, allow them to balance work and home life, and encourage communication on all levels is key. The right office environment will often persuade some staff to choose your company over another, even if your competitor offers a higher salary. Activities outside the office, team-building exercises, and frequent feedback from supervisors are all helpful in building the right kind of company culture.

Mental Health 

The marked increase in the support for workers has meant that mental health understanding and care have been vastly improved, and this will be true for 2020, too. From a business point of view, happy and well-cared-for staff are more productive and better performing than those whose mental and personal care is neglected by their company. There may even be a potential to see mental health days built into contracts, simply for staff to rest and recharge.

Pre-Employment Screening

With all of the shake-ups in workforce trends and reinvestments in employee satisfaction (especially due to record-low unemployment rates), there will be inevitable changes to the hiring processes in 2020. But in order to really get the best candidates for the job, one traditional hiring practice will become even more important than ever: pre-employment screening. 

Hiring new employees can be a risky expenditure, especially if you haven’t done your research on your candidates. To make certain the money you’ve invested in new employees is worthwhile, you should conduct thorough and accurate background checks on candidates before you proceed with hiring. This will ensure they have the appropriate qualifications, financial stability, and background to fit in with your company culture and produce high-quality work.

As your company adapts to new workforce trends in 2020 and continues to vett employees to a high standard, we will see a range of exciting and dynamic workforces be built in the next few years. Overall, the predicted changes will undoubtedly lead to a more diverse, productive, and happy workforce, which will in turn help your business grow to new heights.